If you have a missing tooth that you would like to replace the best alternative may be an Dental Implant with a natural looking Ceramic Crown and Abutment. Dental Implants can replace missing anterior or posterior teeth that look and function like natural teeth.
When you lose a tooth the bone that was supporting the tooth root will began to atrophy and this can lead to collapse of support in the face and lips that gives the appearance of aging.
When you lose a tooth the bone that was supporting the tooth root will began to atrophy and this can lead to collapse of support in the face and lips that gives the appearance of aging.
The good news is that atrophy after tooth loss can be prevented if a tooth is replaced with an Implant. When a tooth is extracted a bone graft can be placed immediately into the root socket which will help to create a good site for implant placement after healing. Once an Implant is placed it will act like a natural tooth root to prevent loss of bone volume.
Dental Implants combined with Dental Appliances can also be used to reverse the effects of bone that has already atrophied due to loss of multiple teeth over time.
For more information on Dental Implants and Dental Reconstruction please contact our office at 251-639-1853