If you have an emergency or you need to get in for an appointment, your Dentist should be available to help you. Many Dental Emergencies need immediate attention and it is important that you are an established patient of record with a Dentist that is available when you need him even if it is after office hours or on a weekend. You also want your Dentist to make arrangements for another Dentist to cover his emergencies when he is unavailable.
You should not have to wait a long time for an appointment. You want your Dentist to be able to see his established patients for routine care within a reasonable length of time.
Your Dentist cannot be an expert in every area of Dental Care and should make referrals to appropriate Dental Specialists when it is in your best interest. If you need the care of a Dental Specialist you want your Dentist to be your advocate and communicate your needs to the specialist and assist you in getting a timely appointment.